Central Piedmont Community Action
Central Piedmont Community Action assists low-income families and individuals, including the working poor, move from poverty to self-sufficiency and better lives for their families. Services are intended to help participants achieve employment, adequate income levels, and stable and secure households. Services are free and may include case management, employment support, education and training support, basic needs (housing, transportation, childcare) and information & referral services. See website for application for services.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be at least 18 years old, reside in one of the counties that the agency serves (Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Randolph), have a household family income for the prior 12 months that is at or below the federal poverty guidelines for the number in the family, and be willing and able to work.
Address: 880 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Chapel Hill, NC 27514