Winston-Salem Rescue Mission

he Winston-Salem Rescue Mission is a non-denominational Christian ministry meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of hurting people in the Triad area. Services include: recovery programs for men facing alcohol and drug addictions, food and clothing for individuals and families in need, and free medical and dental clinics. The Winston-Salem Rescue Mission also provides a program specifically aimed at helping formerly incarcerated individuals. You will receive a place to stay, food, clothing, transportation, job training and education in a safe environment. For more information on the Clothing Ministry or Winston-Salem Rescue Mission’s other services, call or visit their website.
Clothing Ministry: The Winston-Salem Rescue Mission clothing ministry provides thousands of articles of clothing each year to those in need.
Food Pantry: The Rescue Mission Client-Choice food pantry is here to provide groceries to people requiring assistance in the Forsyth County area. Clients can return after 60 days.
Medical and Dental Clinic: The WS Rescue Mission is a host site of the Samaritan Medical Clinics and is located at 710 North Trade Street. A limited number of patients are seen on a “first-come-first-serve” basis. We intend to treat individuals who cannot afford to pay for their healthcare and do not have health insurance. For a list of required client information and additional resources click on the Our services tab on our website.

Address: 710 North Trade Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
