AIM (Accept, Inspire, Minister)
AIM is an efficient non-profit organization that meets the needs of struggling individuals and families in Anderson County. AIM was founded by churches to eliminate the duplication of assistance to those in need. AIM is well known in the Upstate for giving hope and changing lives and continues to do so with unparalleled levels of energy, efficiency, and reliability. The Housing Department assists low-income homeowners to remain in their homes by providing ramps and other necessary repairs that threaten the health and safety of these families. Other services that are provided are, the Pivotal Support Program is designed to give financial assistance and counseling to those in need. The food pantry, Families are assisted on a first come, first served basis. Households may receive assistance once each month. In order to qualify for continued access to the pantry, clients must go through an intake and assessment process and meet eligibility guidelines. There is a Drive-Thru Food Pantry available. The Women and Children Succeeding is a college support program provided by AIM, for low-income parents with children. Our goal is to transition the families we serve toward an independent, self-sufficient, and successful life. To eliminate the barriers of completing school, we provide: intensive case management, supportive services, financial assistance, leadership development. See website for eligibility requirements and how to apply. See website for more information.
Address: 1202 S. Murray Avenue, Anderson, SC 29624