The Bentley Adult Day Health Center

The Bentley Adult Day Health Center Program offers medical monitoring, therapeutic activities and assistance with personal care needs to medically frail adults and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The program offers safe, engaging environments for participants and respite for caregivers. ACCA operates two Adult Day Health Centers in Athens and Winder. Both sites provide medical monitoring, nutritious meals, therapeutic activities, physical and occupational therapy, and personal care services. Clients may qualify for funding through Medicaid’s Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program or grants available through the Northeast Georgia’s Area Agency on Aging. Funding sources are also available through private long-term care insurance and are determined on an individual basis. Private pay costs are $12.00 per hour or $60.00 per day for five hours or longer. See website for additional locations.

Address: 135 Hoyt Street, Athens, GA 30601
