Haywood Street Downtown Welcome Table

The Downtown Welcome Table serves lunch on Wednesdays and Breakfast on Sundays. It is not a soup kitchen or feeding line. It is a homemade meal served on abundant plates by an attentive wait staff. Folks are invited to linger over the meal as in a nice restaurant or dinner at home. Cloth napkins, flowers on the table, and China plates send the message “you deserve the very best” and are meant to counter the notion often held by those living on the streets that handouts, hand-me-downs and leftovers are all I deserve. Haywood Street Congregation is a church in downtown Asheville where all people, without exception, are welcomed and affirmed of their sacred worth. Come join us for a meal. Come on down to the dining room when you arrive and the host will direct you to an empty seat.

Address: 297 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
